03 June 2005

Program's Orientation at College

Today, I went to Mount Royal College to attend orientation of the program I am taking from this september. I was so nervous before I went. It was the first time for me at school and in a class room in ages. I entered the class room where the orientation was held. I was still too nervous to look around in the class room. I found a seat and walk right straight to the seat. (People can laugh at me :P) I was still nervous even after I sat down and settled and I kept looking at an instructor.

A bit later, when I relaxed and looked around, there were all girls but me. They looked so fresh-out-of-highschool. Yes, they are still girls. Besides it, all the instructors were famale as well. This was something that I have easily imagined before, but I became even more nervous after I realised the fact.

In the twentith century, even in North America where principles of the equality of the sexes had advanced more quickly than any part of the world, I realised the fact that there are differences in types of jobs.

The orientation was a short one, but I enjoyed it with being nervous at the same time.

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