11 September 2005

National Election 2005 ... in Japan

The Liberal Democratic Party is always in Japan's authorities since the war and the U.S. occupation ended, except for only one short period when smaller parties were erected in early 90s. Personally, I want to see Japanese government without any influences from LDP.

Good news for Mr. Koizumi. LDP has won magnificently in this election. A major opposition party (the Democratic Party) has lost many seats in the national diet. I think that people want more stabilities in Japan. The voters said "yes" to privatise Japan Post National Corporation.

I just don't like the LDP's constantly hiding-appearing atmosphere of a little right wing policies.

My friend pointed out that LDP had a well focusing on one issue of privatising Japan Post and the other parties couldn't focus on one clear thing to voters. What opposition parties did was mostly critisising what LDP has done. It is not so attractive for voters.

My situation is between two countries. Although Japanese people in overseas can vote for national election, I didn't implement it because of my longer absence from Japan and I don't even pay the tax to Japan.

I have to decide soon which country I want to vote for for sure.

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