06 October 2005

Let's write a song like a singer! lol

Wake up

I wake up in the morning.
The sky is still pitch dark.
Waiting for a bus on the cold white pavement with frost.
Bus is full of people heading to the station to go to work.
The sky is beautiful with red sun rising from edge of the flat land.
City lights are getting weaker and weaker.
Good morning.

I wake up in the middle of night.
Through the window, it is still pitch dark.
Reaching my cell phone to see the time. It is too early.
Closing my eyes and hoping to get back to the dream world.
Cell phone's alarm is ringing louder and louder.
Time to wake up.

I wake up in the classroom.
There is a big blue sky. Chime is ringing and time to go home.
Riding on my bike. Passing by all the sweaty athletes excersising.
Smell of the air is so fresh and peddaling fast.
School noises are fading out farther and farther, from my head.
Good morning.
Time to wake up.
Good morning.
Time to wake up.
Good morning.


Heipel said...

I like your poem.


Mark said...

well usually i prefer stuff like "there was a young man of japan..." but i suppose it's alright.