01 May 2007

Mango Nectar | 誤字

I love mango nectar. I love a multi-lingual package. If you can read Japanese, you'll see a typo. In its look, yeah, it's very similar, but I guess I can say that it is a typical Japanese-as-a-second-language problem. ソ (so) and ン (m), ツ (tsu) and シ (shi), マ (ma) and ア (a), etc.




Anonymous said...


Mark said...

I have a question. your post in English was really long while the Japanese version was shorter. Is that because it is a more efficient language? or is it just that in Japanese you said "oh look at the stupid gai-jin" ?

sptnk_nord said...

It is just a matter of knowledge of Japanese cultures/tv shows/language. Since the photo says all, I don't really have to write everything in Japanese. Think about "http://engrish.com/" you need to explain to Japanese why English native speakers or people who are good at the language think that those things are funny. Similar, isn't it?

I guess it is very nice for me to have both side of the perspectives although I am not perfect (noone is?) on both sides. :P