23 November 2009

デジタル音楽の時代 | Digital Music Era


IPアドレスを見ているようだ。日本からのアクセスしか使えないように設定が変えられたのだろう。Terms & Conditionsもそのように書いていたが、悔しくて一応試してみた。





I asked my friend, who went back to Japan for a visit, to buy an iTunes card.
I got the card from my friend today and I tried it... but I couldn't use it.

iTunes seems to be checking IP address. I think Apple changed the setting to accept an access only with IP addresses from Japan. The terms & conditions, of course, mention about it, but I couldn't give up and I was really frustrated. I tried to access once more.

M said, "this is a reason why piracy around the world is cultivated."

It was definitely easier lending and borrowing in the CD era. We could buy foreign CDs by online or mail
order and we could play CDs with the same CD player around the world.

In this corporation-led digital music era, before those corporates complain about piracy and encourage to keep copy right, the same as DVD, please, please get rid of region codes and access restriction internationally and help use the current technology available borderlessly.

All is for piracy-free consumers in the world.

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