19 December 2009

男らしさの象徴 | Symbol of Masculinity


リバイバルのリバイバルを行おう。1990年代後期、読んでいたスタジオ・ボイスにチャールズ・ブロンソン特集が組まれてあった。「ひげ面 = 男らしい」ということで日本ではマンダムの広告で有名だ。





It has been said many times before in our history - about symbols of masculinity (it is just a symbol). It exists in any countries and cultures. In many symbols of masculinity, I want to point out body hair.

This is a revival of a revival. There was a feature of Charles Bronson in the magazine, Studio Voice, that I used to read in the late 1990's. "Mustache = Masculine" – Charles Bronson is famous for appearance in advertisement for Mandom, a Japanese cosmetic company, in Japan.

In Canada, there are many different kinds of people – from hairless Asian to hairy White and Middle Eastern people and so on.

I heard that there are quite a few hairy men who don't think being hairy is masculine and who cares about his hairiness. There are some men who trim their body hair – like cutting nose hair and hair from ears, it's just part of grooming.

Hairy men have such a hard time in a sweaty, summer weather.

Luckily, my hairiest parts of body in public eyes are my legs so I don't feel uncomfortable even in the summer time.

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