08 February 2012


My friend pointed out that there are many misunderstandings about LRT among those who think subway is better than LRT in Toronto. I totally agree with him. There are, of course, pros and cons between LRT and subway, but LRT can be like the one in Calgary (in the above movie, West LRT is under construction in Calgary to connect between the west part of the city and its terminal station in the west end of downtown Calgary).

I have lived in Calgary for one year without a car (I didn't have driver's license at the time) and I used Calgary's LRT (C-Train) almost everyday so that I remember how well C-Train functioned in the city.

  • Reliable – I didn't experience any technical problems like TTC subway or streetcar has continuously.
  • Quiet – it is quiet both inside of the car as well as outside (no squeaky noise at all).
  • Fast – LRT should have its own right-of-way on the separated tracks or closed streets so that it can run as fast as subway.

Look how smart the city of Calgary is going for the transit. We can make better things in Toronto. We need to make it better like Calgary for the future!

トロントにいる地下鉄支持者の中で勘違いを持っている方がたくさんいると、友人が指摘していた。僕も本当にそうだと思う。もちろん、LRTと地下鉄を比べたら良い点も悪い点も両方あると思う。でも、カルガリーの様なLRTだって存在するのだ(動画はカルガリーで、カルガリー市西部とカルガリーのダウンタウンのウェストエンドにあるターミナルの駅をつなぐ工事中のWest LRTである)。


  • 運行が安定している—TTCの地下鉄やストリートカーがよく故障したりするが、そういった故障が比較にならない程少ない。
  • 静かである—車内でも外でも静かである(キーキーと音を立てない)。
  • 速い—LRTは専用軌道や普通車通行の制限された通りを走るので、地下鉄の様に高速運転が可能である。

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