27 July 2005


I had a dream recently. I usually forget dreams when I wake up, but I remember the dream I had in details very much and I still remember it even after a few days passed.

It was one of the weirdest dream I have ever had in my life. The dream was very crazy like the movie, "Ichi, the Killer" that I became interested in because there was my favourite actor in the casts and I couldn't buy a ticket to see the movie in Toronto film festival. Note: I won't recommend this movie to anyone since it is quatro ultra-violent and I got a fever after watching it.

If I name the dream I had, It would be "Survival, Falling-off game."


I was on the fourth floor, the top floor, of elementary school that I attended.

Although I couldn't remember faces of the students, everyone looked so serious and looked down to the ground through the hallway windows with guide rail.

We could see the athletic/playground and fields of chrysanthemum and we could see a small storage barn in centre and flower gardens on the both side of the storage barn surrounded by narrow paths on the bottom of the building. There was concrete gutters beside the building.

I didn't know what order it was, but the game has already begun. A person (I didn't know whether the person is a girl or a boy) who looked very serious sat on the guide rail of the windows and the person's legs are in the air. The next moment, the person fell off to the ground from the fourth floor. Of course, we would severely injured or die. When I looked down to the ground, the person lied down on stomach with twitched right leg on the dirt beside the gutter.

"What a hell..." I mumbled, but the game continued. I just observed what was going on and I started to feel fear of time when I had to do the same thing.

The next person fell off. He or she bounced once on the top of the storage barn and continued to fall off forward to the athletic/playground.

"Why did we keep doing this?" I mumbled again.
My fear was out of the limit I could hold.

The game continued farther more, the third person intended to fall off.

The person is a boy and he wore ropes like climbers had.

I realised that I didn't know the rules of the game at all at the time when the game started. There seemed to be no rules or anything at all from the beginning, no one complained about the fact that the boy had ropes.

The boy fell off. He landed on the ground because of the ropes.

"Such a smart guy, let's borrow the ropes from him."

My turn seemed to be getting closer. I desperately asked the boy to lend me the ropes. The fear was just right there.

The boy started to explain that the ropes would be torn down after using several times.....

I woke up in the middle of the story.

The dream was too shocking to forget...

1 comment:

Heipel said...


There's a Japanese or Korean movie about a boy's high school. The kids are so depressed and violent. There is a game where the boys let go of a railing on the roof and have to clap their hands so many times before grabbing the railing again to stop from falling to their death.

Your dream reminded me of that movie.

Don't deam bad things anymore -- the description alone will give ME nightmares! Sheesh.
