10 August 2005

Driver's Licence

When I lived in Texas, I had driver's license. It expired so soon. When I realised that I should have changed the Texas one to Japanese one, It has already been expired. It was 10 years ago. Since then, I didn't drive a car because of where I live. Living in Osaka area and later in Toronto didn't really require to drive a car because of efficient transportation system in Osaka and low-cost citywide transportation in Toronto.

Now, I live in Calgary then. It's time to get the licence back! although I have to start over from the scratch again because of lack of experience and the previous licence expiry.

I went to a registration office to take a knowledge test yesterday.

Here in Alberta (I find this is a good example of privatising provincial public services), there are only private provincial government related registration agents in every part of the city. This is nicer than things in Toronto that we always have to go to government buildings and sometimes have longer waiting time. All the registration stuff with provincial government can be done with those private agent offices in this province.

Going back to the main topic, I passed the test! Yay :)

I can now start to practice driving on the road.


Mark said...

well try not to wreck any more rental cars ok?

Heipel said...

Yeehaw, you passed your test!

Does that mean you can take the "trainer wheels" off the car?
