21 September 2005

Eight things (from Mark)

This is really recent popular "baton" thing on the blog sites (either in Japanese or English). I have done a couple in Japanese.

8 things I plan to do before I die:
1. Get a stable job and income. The job has to be something I can feel enthusiasm about
2. Get a proper driver's licence
3. Speak English better
4. Have an exhibition of my art work
5. Live in Habita '67 (A condo that was built for Montreal Expo by Moshe Safdi)
6. Laugh at the hard time I've been having in my life
7. Open a Tshirts store in Toronto
8. Make a creative collaborative art movement with my artistic friends

8 things I can do:
1. Sing
2. Draw/Scribble
3. Think of something weird, fun, or interesting
4. Keep friendships
5. Spend time by myself
6. Sleep a lot
7. Survive under a longer professional unemployment period
8. Live in a foreign country

8 things I cannot do:
1. Smooth conversations with strangers (life-long learning then. lol)
2. Be surrounded by people 24/7
3. Read fast
4. Speak in public
5. Be happy 24/7/365
6. Stop shopping for little things (like toys, pins, etc)
7. Play team sports
8. Play the music instruments

8 things that attract me to the same/opposite sex:
1. He's communicative
2. He listens
3. Geekyness
4. Sense of humour (No too much TV topic talk)
5. He's not a Tory or LDP (in Japan)
6. He's not a member of Marijuna Party of Canada
7. He likes sex
8. He has lots of life experience

8 things I say often:
1. Shit
2. Ummmm
3. Pardon
4. Motto Ganbarou (Do my best more often)
5. Damn-it
6. Tsukareta (I'm tired)
7. Motto ~~~ dekitarana (I wish I could do ~~~~(anything) better)
8. Okane hoshii (I want money)

8 celebrity crushes:
None. They are too far behind the tubes and screens from my sights. I have never had crushes on them.

8 People I want to do this (who probably wonÂ’t):
um, I don't have many friends who have blogs, so I will pass this section.

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