28 September 2005

Very First Daycare Experience in Canada

I have started my placement at a nearby daycare centre for my school course. I will be at the daycare from 8:30am to 11:30 every Tuesday. It is just once a week, so there are only four times to visit left. The room I went was a room of 4 to 6-year-old children. I got really really nervous. I realised that I don't have much vocabulary in English spoken by children. A girl asked me, "I want to go to potty." I sensed and guessed that she is telling me that she wants to go to washroom, but I am not so sure and I am just a student so I redirected her to one of the caregivers to tell. After that I saw that she went out for washroom with the caregiver. The main purpose of this 5-week placement is to do observation, seeing children and record anything objectively. I will of course play with children and assist caregiver's tasks if I can. It was fun. I also found that the job has physical labour aspect.


Heipel said...

Hey, that sounds great and fun.

"I want to go to the potty" really means "Give me candy or I'm going to call the police!"

sptnk_nord said...

I will keep them in mind. Thanks! lol

Mark said...

At least when you work with immature brats they have a right to be. The problem in usual jobs is that the people act like four-year-olds and yet they're 40.