On my way home on the subway, I got on a train at Bay station. I sat on a seat and start to play my iPod. I was looking in the air, nothing to be focused, until I noticed a sound of camera's shutter and a guy who was sitting on the right side with a cell phone. I automatically search for a possible object of shooting across from the guy. There was an Asian woman (probably in her 30s) sitting on the other side of the car. I stared at the guy to see the guy's next action. I was as obvious as the guy's action of taking a picture of the woman. The guy behaved suspiciously. I looked away with catching him in my sight. He hold his cellphone again, looking toward the woman. I stared at him. He put his cellphone back into his pocket. As the train arrived at Yonge/Bloor station, he stood up and got off from the train.
– a technology and a stupid groper game, a sick moment.
帰り道の地下鉄でのこと。Bay から地下鉄に乗った。席を見つけて座るとすぐに iPod を聞き始めた。どこを見るともなく空を見つめる、シャッターの音と携帯を手に向かって右側に座る男に気づくまで。自動的にその男が撮ったと思われる被写体を探した。男の向かい側に30代と思われるアジア人女性が座っている。僕はその男の次の行動を見るためじっくり見入ってしまった。僕はなんてあからさまなんだろう。その男は挙動不審。僕はあちゃらの方向を見るふりをしながら、僕の視界にその男を入れる。男はまた携帯を取り出し、女性の方を見ていた。僕はしっかりと男を見た。男はポケットに携帯をしまい、地下鉄が Yonge/Bloor に到着するに立ち上がり地下鉄を降りた。
Good for you for staring at the perv and making him uncomfy.
For the trainspotter in you: http://www.transitcity.ca/ the new light rail plan for Toronto... with no budget :-(
Yes. I am going to write about it now :P
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