Since I started to live in Toronto back in 1998, I have been thinking about and hoping improvement and building new subway lines for Toronto. Nothing had been presented, until now.
Yes, we need to improve our public transportation systems.
Revealing a new transit plan is such a big step. Now, as a resident of City of Toronto, I just hope to hear quick responses for supports from provincial and federal government.
We don't need another 5-station subway line. On a land with a lot of open space and wide-lane roads, LRT is a way to go. Good job, Mayor Miller!
今日、TTC とトロント市は「Toronto Transit City Light Rail Plan」を発表しました。
もうたった5駅の地下鉄延長なんていらない。広々広がった街と道幅が広いこの街には LRT で十分なのかもしれません。ミラー市長バンザイ!
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