29 October 2009

う〇こサブウェイ | Poo-poo Subway


扉が閉まり、「The next station is Ossington 」と冷たい女性の声の自動アナウンスがあった頃、う〇この匂いがした。最近、立て続けに踏んでしまっていたので、その匂いに敏感になっているのだ。


「Arriving at Yonge station」という例の冷たい声の自動アナウンスがあって地下鉄は駅に止まり扉が開いた。



I got on the subway at the nearby station and through last door of last train this morning.

The door closed. When there was an automated announcement of cold female voice, “the next station is Ossington,” I started to feel the smell of poo-poo. In these days, I had stepped on one on a street consecutively, so I was over-sensitive to the smell.

“Oh no… Is this me again…?”
The subway this morning was not relatively full at all even though it was in morning rash hour.
There are quite a few people who have strong body odor.
“But, this isn’t body odor.”
Listening to the iPod, I started to worry about the soles of my shoes. Obviously, it is not easy to see the soles because you need to bend your knees and so on.

“Arriving at Yonge station,” again in cold automated voice – the train stopped at the station and then the doors opened.

After, I checked the soles of my shoes.
“Oh god (too exaggerative), it wasn’t me.”

As a result, I couldn’t know what caused the smell on the subway.

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