17 February 2010

食物繊維 | Fibre, Fibre, Fibre


カナダでは(多分アメリカも似たような感じだと思う)Whole Wheatのパンとかベーグルとかパスタとか、スーパーでもコーヒー屋でも一般的に選ぶことができるようになっている。野菜を十分に食べない人たちが、食物繊維をWhole Wheatや精製されすぎてない穀物から摂ろうという魂胆である。


インスタントヌードル自体、不健康な響きがあるのだが、Whole Wheatの揚げ麺を日清とかエースコックが開発してくれないだろうかと切望している。

Yes, I know, but I don't have enough fibres in my diet.
I think that it is possible to cook white rice with brown rice mixed in and to have as many as vegetables in diet, etc.

In Canada (probably the same in the US), it is easy to choose whole wheat bread, bagle, pasta and so on at a coffee shop and a supermarket. People, who don't have enough fibres from vegetables in their diets, fill the gap with whole wheat products or whole grain products.

In the past from my friend, I was called Mr. Koike, who likes to eat ramen noodles in a Japanese cartoon, Oba-Q (Obake no Q-taro) because I eat a lot of instant noodles.

Instant noodles themselves don't have a good image for our health, but I kinda long for a whole wheat fried noodles invented by Japanese processed food companies like Nissin or Acecook.

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