18 April 2010

電子書籍 | Electronic Books

昨夜、TouchにAmazon.comのKindle for iPhone(iPadのアプリと同様らしい)のアプリをダウンロードした。Touchの画面は小さいが、本を鞄に持たなくてもいつでも本が読めるようになった。本も1冊購入してみた。紙媒体から離れるのが少し寂しいけれど、省スペースと言う点では、理に適っているのかもしれない。iTunes然り、様々な言語の作品(僕の場合、日本語)も販売して欲しいなと、思う今日この頃のデジタル家電。技術的にはオーケーだけど、法的に難しいんだろうねぇ。

I downloaded Amazon.com's Kindle for iPhone (looks like it is the same for iPad as well) to my Touch last night. Touch's screen is rather too small to read maybe, but I can read a book without having it in my bag. I also bought a book online as well. I kinda feel sad to leave from paper media, but at the same time, I think it is reasonable when you think of space and weight in your bag. The same as iTunes, I would like to see Amazon.com to sell books in multi-language. It is able to offer multilingual books from technical specifications, but it is probably hard to do it from legal issues around the world...

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