18 February 2012

Saké in Ontario | 「Made in Ontario」なお酒

From Mobile 2012
I went to LCBO* near Yonge and Wellesley to get some cans of beer last night. In this small store, they have more stuff than what they used to have more than 10 years ago. I can see more selections for Japanese and Korean liquors now.

When my friend and I were in front of the shelves of East Asian origin liquors, we saw 5 or 6 kinds of saké on the shelves. I am usually a beer drinker and an occasional wine drinker and I don't really drink saké by itself although it would be very nice to have saké for dinner with really good (possibly fish/seafood) dishes.

We actually found a made-in-Ontario saké in the selection now!
I listend to an interview with the brewer on CBC Radio1 sometime ago, but it is available now.

I want to try this saké sometime maybe when I have a special moment or two (when?).

*LCBO is a local liquor store in Ontario



その中に、Made in Ontarioの日本酒を見つける!
以前、CBC Radio1でオンタリオで日本酒の醸造を始めたという人のインタビューを聞いたっけ。そのお酒がLCBOで買える様になっていた。


*LCBO はオンタリオ州にあるお酒が買えるお店です。

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