12 April 2012

A Thought in Spring | 春に思う

From Mobile 2012
On August 14, 2003, blackout started in Toronto, suddenly. I lost all the data of graphic files that I was working on at work. The electricity didn't come back at all. I called some of my friends but my cell phone lost signals sooner or later, too.

I recently started to watch "Being Erica", a TV drama series that is made by CBC, on Netflix. The show with using real historical episodes of Toronto and sceneries in Toronto streets makes me feel very nostalgic.

The show made me recall the blackout of 2003. It was already nine years ago.

I needed to visit Liberty Village today. There are even more condos developing. It looks totally different from what I know now.

Time does fly and things change.
I believe that change is not a bad thing.


つい最近、NetflixでCBCのテレビシリーズ「Being Erica」を見始めた。ドラマの中で、トロントで本当に起こった出来事やトロントの街並が、僕をとても懐かしくさせているのだ。


今日、Liberty Villageに行く用事があった。その界隈には、もっともっと新しいコンドが建ってきている。僕の覚えていた界隈と全く違っていたりする。


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