13 April 2005

Anti-Japan Demonstrations in China

A sad news:
there was anti-Japan demonstrations happening in China.

I have seen the feature articles related to the demonstrations in China on a Japanese news website.

As a resident in Canada, I usually check Japan-related news on the internet, besides Canadian media.

I can't find many articles of anti-Japan demonstrations in China on CBC or Globe and Mail. From my point of view, the Canadian media's way of handling articles of this demonstrations is the same as handling articles of conflicts in the Middle East. News from asia usually is not that major on Canadian English media.

Here, I want to write about what I think regarding to anti-Japan demonstrations in China.

Anti-Japan demonstrations give Japanese people an opportunity to know how Chinese people are (still) interested in Japan's historical perspective about the second World War.

As a person who lives far from Asia by reading news, I can't know how serious the violence they had was; however, I can't bear with any violence that was held by Chinese people during the demonstrations. Imagine if it were anti-American or anti-Canadian, American or Canadian people couldn't have borne with any violence, either.

I am a child of the post-war babyboomer parents. I was born in 1976. The Olympic games were held in Montreal and Japan was experiencing high growth in its economy. I learnt wartime history in Japan's post-war standard public school system. I know that we can't change or correct what happened in the past history. I have a thing that I always think about after I started to learn Japan and world history:

Why didn't Japan apologise well to neighbouring countries that the imperial army invaded right after losing the war?
Why do neighbouring countries ask today's post-war generations' Japanese government for apologies of the wartime?

Violence, destruction, conflict are not the things that most of us, Japanese, want to have. Can't we constructively have new understandings of our hisotries between multiple countries in Asia? I am just a guy who has highschool diploma and is living in Canada. I want to expect from knowledgeable historians of Japan and the neighbouring countries.



反日デモ関連のニュースは CBC や Globe and Mail では(当然と言えば当然だが)あまり取り上げられていない。僕が見た感じ、中東で起こっている紛争のような取り扱いである。アジアの情報はカナダの英語メディアでは微小に過ぎない。






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