18 August 2011

Last Century Modern | ラスト・センチュリー・モダン

From Mobile
"Last Century Modern" is a song by Towa Tei in the album, Last Century Modern.
I like this album of his the second after Sound Museum.

Toronto's subway system kinda sucks, but we have several last-century-modern stations between Spadina station and Yorkdale station on Yonge-University-Spadina line.

Those last-century-modern stations have a hint of mouldy smell. Tiles are rather flat and emotionless, but each station's structures are very dynamic. Sadly, those stations need to be repaired and maintained better, though. This is another neglected beauty in this city.

I don't have neither a good camera nor a good sense of manipulating cameras and lenses, so can someone (calling specifically for A! (only if you are interested)) make series of posters of the stations? I will design a poster with your photographs!





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