21 August 2011

Next Bus | 次のバスは

From Mobile
I can take 2 buses to get to subway from my apartment.
One is frequent and another is not.

TTC started to have and share its GPS information of every vehicle running in the system.
(Yeah, it's about the time for Toronto to have 2-decade old technology really.)

I am using an iPhone app called, Rocket Radar, to see when a next bus comes. It is a very good app. Since I started to use the app, it has become easier to catch a bus for Davisville station.

By the way, I haven't got on a new subway car yet although I am a regular rider of Yonge-University-Spadina line now.



僕は次のバスがいつ来るのかを見るためにRocket RadarというアプリをiPhoneで使っている。このアプリはとっても便利。これを使いだしてからというもの、デービスビル駅に向かうバスに乗り易くなった。


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