27 February 2012

K-way, The Bay Version | K-wayのベイ・バージョン

From Mobile 2012
The Canadian market size isn't that big at all but I guess there are many consumers who have enough money to shop even with high prices (due to Canadian customs?) and high sales/consumption taxes. The Bay, a nationwide department store in Canada, has been doing quite well recently to differentiate themselves from its competitors.

I don't know when I am going back to visit my family in Japan next time due to the stupidity in current Japanese yen currency exchange rate, but I have been thinking about buying the Bay's original line for souvenirs. 

For intense, this is a K-way rain jacket, the Bay collaboration version. This is actually quite cute, but I don't really want to wear it in Canada because the colour pattern is well-known and too distinctive. I would rather wear it elsewhere. If you are tired of having bottles of maple syrup as souvenirs, you have other choices at the Bay.

Now, I sound like a sales clerk at the store.
Would the Bay pay for me?





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