27 March 2012

Are You a Visible Minority? | あなたはビジブル・マイノリティーですか?

From Computer
I applied for EI online yesterday. While filling out the online application, I saw a question – "Are you a visible minority?" I stopped at the question for a second and thought. I clicked yes with a little thoughts on the question and I completed the application.

Am I a visible minority? To be honest with you, I can be a visible majority depending on where I go in the Greater Toronto Area, such as some of the downtown neighbourhoods, Scarborough, Markham, Richmond Hill, some part of Mississauga, and so on. Although I can be a visible majority, I am always on the minority side when considering my cultural background.

Whether I am a visible minority or not, I feel that I am a minority from time to time because of what I am. Does "are you a visible minority?" question still mean anything in 2010s? Maybe, it's time to revisit. There's no such thing as "a visible minority" in a city like Toronto. In fact, major urban areas in Canada are very diverse by the look.

In Toronto, I can say I am not a visible minority but I am a cultural minority by my cultural background and my mother tongue.

Are there still people who choose their employees by the skin of colours in this city?

I will keep wondering then.


僕はビジブル・マイノリティーですか? 実際にはどうだろう。実は僕はビジブル・マジョリティーになることができる。どのトロント周辺地区のエリアに行くかによるけれど。例えば、ダウンタウンのエリアであったり、スカボローであったり、マーカムであったり、リッチモンドヒルであったり、ミシサガのあるエリアであったりする。ビジブル・マジョリティーだけど、僕の文化背景を考慮すると、僕はいつもマイノリティーなのは否めない。




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