From CBC Radio One yesterday, Calgary Jazz Festival will be cancelled this year:
It was a sad news for the city. According to M, there have been quite a few summer festivals (i.e. Fringe festival, Heritage festival, etc) cancelled in this City.
Isn't this city the richest in Alberta and Canada? The economy is still booming and I can smell of money especially in shopping centres and downtown. Why cultures in this city are not supported by Calgarians??
Aside from the cancellation of the jazz festival, Calgary will have another festivals. Most of them need admission fee to enter (another sad thing), though, except Lilac Festival(
Where are you hiding money, those rich people? Donate or support your communities' culture instead of flying away to south of the boarder or overseas.
Coming from a province (Quebec) where there is a festival for everything (anyone wants to go to Le Festival de la patate?) it is hard to understand why they are so few west of the Ottawa River... Toronto is just starting to recover (but might still choke on all the new museum/gallery/opera renovation projects going at this time) from years of cuts in the Arts... just seems the conservatives and neo-con find more values in building new jails and cutting tax than financing the Arts... under this regime the next great artist might just be a tatoo artist in some maximum security jails in a remote island in the middle of the Hudson Bay....
How sad. Calgary used to have such an active and good cultural community...
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