16 August 2007


I had an interview for a job.

I got to the place like 10 minutes ago. I don't know where to go and I found a worker in the hall way, so I asked her. She was in the middle of doing something, but she let the person in charge know that I was here.

I was waiting for the interviewer till she showed up at the door. There was no place to sit so just standing politely, looking at pictures posted on the wall.

She showed up and took me into her office. There were 2 other people. All of them looked young. Maybe, they are the same age as I am or younger. the two were sitting on the chairs still, so I started to introduce myself to them.

The interview started.

"So, I should read the questionnaire?" the main interviewer said.

I thought this interview session is a little too casual.

After a couple of questions, someone's cell phone started ringing. It was the middle of the time when I was answering.

"Ah, great..." I thought.

The interview was resumed, and then another call with loud ring tones.


By the time, I started to feel that I was spaced out. I had to ask the interviewer about 2 questions to repeat them because I wasn't clear about the questions.

Then, my phone started to vibrate – "damn, I forgot to shut it off."
I always put my phone in the silent mode, but they noticed the vibration, so I apologized and turned it off.

It was a short interview, but it was the hardest interview to focus on.

Let's shut off your cell phone while in the meeting...

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