It was a sunny day.
It usually rains if I travel, but the weather forecast ended up being wrong.
When woke up in the morning, my friend looked tired and my back was hurting close to an explosion.
Decided that today was a shopping day and headed to downtown.
SohoからWest Village、そしてMeat Packing Districtと歩いた。
Walked from Soho to West Village and Meat Packing District.
Walking in New York was somewhat similar to walking in Osaka and Tokyo.
Many things were hidden in somewhere and I felt happy when I found something.
Kenji Ozawa's song was playing in my head, but it didn't fit the atmosphere of New York.
新聞の記事で見た時から行きたかった、High Lineに着いた。
Arrived at the High Line where I wanted to go after I read an article of the redevelopment in New York.
I got so excited walking along the park.
Turned a ruined raised railway tracks into a park!
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