Last day.
I went to the laundromat with my friend.
Though, I didn't help him very much.
While waiting for my friend's laundry, my friend and I had a cup of iced coffee and breakfast.
Returning to the apartment and after a while, my friend's roommate was leaving for work.
I said thank you to her again.
Went to get the laundry and returned to the apartment. The morning passed like that.
I was doing nothing really but looking outside through window, sitting on a sofa, and packing my bag. I was thinking about my friend's word in my head and the word was echoing in my head as well. It was only 4-day stay, but I felt that I got some energy back.
友人の職場の近くのEast Villageにいっしょに出向いた。日本のパン屋であんぱんをごちそうになったり、古着屋に行ったりしたけれど、僕には買い物する元気はもうなかった。
We went down to East Village near my friend's work. My friend bought me an anpan (a Japanese bread with red bean paste inside) and we went to some second-handed clothing stores, but I didn't have energy to shop anymore at the time.
楽しい滞在は終わろうとしていた。僕の友人とは地下鉄の駅へ向かう道角で別れた。また遊びにくるから。それから、僕はスタバへ行き、公共のトイレが少ないニューヨークなので、念入りに用を足す(笑)それから地下鉄に乗りAir TrainのJamaica駅を目指した。
My exciting trip was nearly ending. My friend saw off me at the corner of streets of a way to a subway station. I will come and visit again. Then, I went to a nearby Starbucks and used toilet (lol) because there are not many public washrooms in New York. I took 6 train and then E train to get to Air Train's Jamaica station.
When I arrived at the JFK's terminal 3, I was told to go to the terminal 2. I walked to the next building and saw a long line up to pass the security check. I waited for about an hour total and waited another 2~3 hours for my flight. This is the reason why flying is kinda tiring. A small jet was awaiting with a very handsome female flight attendant.
Taking off from JFK, I saw lightning in the dark clouds and I closed my eyes.
When I got up, I saw lights further north of a black lake.
It was Toronto.
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