04 July 2006

Two Languages – 2つの言葉

I used to update 2 blogs in 2 languages. At the beginning of this Blogger blog, I was writing in the both languages. Soon after, I changed my mind and make Blogger only available in English. Now, I am lazy enough again to combine the two. One extra paragraph in each langugae – how simple it is! Thanks for current multi-lingual tasking computer OS, too. When I brought a Mac Perfoma to Canada from Japan in the late 90s, it was quasi impossible for ordinary people without a language kit to view binary characters. Nowadays, it's no problem and no further language kit needed to be installed even on a computer bought in North America. Thank you, technology (as long as it's trouble-free) – over love/hate relationships with technology.

以前から最近まで2つの言葉でブログをしていました。この Blogger 上でも、はじめの方は日英両方です。心変わりが激しい僕はすぐに Blogger を英語専用ブログにしてしまい現在に至っています。模様替えの様なものでしょうか、また日英両方でアップデートして行きたいと思い出し変更しています。両言語ともに僕の未熟(熟す時はあるのか!)な知識を駆使し書いてあるのでタイポやおかしな言い回しを多々見つけられるかもしれませんが、商売でやってるわけではないのでお許しください。またこの前文のように「英語と書いてることちゃうしちゃんと訳してないやん」と思われる時が出てくるかもしれませんが、一応基本的には翻訳に重きを置かないのですが、日英両文とも似通った内容になっておりますのでご了承ください。などと堅苦しい感じで、また今度。


Anonymous said...

Speaking of technology. Here is what the computer translator made of your second paragraph.

From the time before to recently ブログ was done in two words. Method of beginning is Japan and England both even on this Blogger. I whose change of mind is extreme designate Blogger directly as English private ブログ and have reached to the present. It is something like rearrangement, or in addition being Japan and England both, that we would like to keep updating, you remember and have modified. When both both languages my immature (maturing, certain!) Perhaps, you freely use knowledge and being to be written, you can find タイポ and strange expression in large quantity, but doing with trading, being not to be る reason please permit. In addition as in this preamble "English writing, the る thing ちゃ う it does and is not translated properly when and it is" with being thought, perhaps, it comes out, but once basically being not to put emphasis on translation, it does, but also the Japanese-English both sentences being to become the contents which resemble, please acknowledge. And so on with with the feeling which is stiff, in addition this time.

Anonymous said...

Mark > So, you get what I wrote in Japanse?

Anonymous said...

Well reading your english and then reading Altavista's english i can sorta see the relationship. but it's clear the technology is not up to the task yet. and no i can't really read your japanese :(