この週末、このBody Worlds展が催されているオンタリオ・サイエンス・センターへ初めて行った。Body Worlds展はとても興味深い展示がたくさんあった。まだ観てない人にはお薦めできるExhibitionだった。
I think there was an exhibition of Body Worlds at Umeda Sky Building in Osaka 10 some years ago. At that time, I didn't go to the exhibition.
I went to Ontario Science Centre first time to go to the exhibition of Body Worlds. This exhibition has so many interesting things to see. I would recommend to people who haven't seen it yet.
Several plastinated human bodies and specimens of human organs and unborn babies.
When I was looking at those human bodies, I started to see the bodies like very finely tuned machines.
I personally believe that there is spiritual energy that keeps human organs going (until the end time comes), besides physical and material energy, but we don't know yet where our spirit or soul resides after finding out human anatomy.
For what all of the animated beings including human beings on this planet are living and dying.
By the way, this science centre's other permanent exhibitions very much looked like out-of-tuned toys. I am sure small kids would enjoy the other exhibition, but it looked rusty from an adult's perspective. Is there a lack of fund from the government?
It was such an out-of-tuned science centre, but the centre was a good enough place to make people think.
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