25 June 2011

睡眠時無呼吸症候群3 | Sleep Apnea Syndrome 3

From Mobile



詳細をすでに忘れてきたが、以前受けた睡眠診断テストの結果、僕は1時間になんと50数回無呼吸の状態があった、との事。重度だと言われた。治療のオプションを聞いた。ウェブで自分が調べたのと同じだった。CPAP(Continuous Positive Airway Pressure)、マウスピース、外科的手術。オンタリオ住民である僕の州健康保険はCPAPのディバイスの費用のみ、約40%をカバーしてくれるとの事。悪くない部位を切り取る、外科的手術は絶対に嫌だったので、このディバイスを選択した。決して、安くない。OHIPに感謝である。





I got a half day off and I went to see a sleep doctor.
("Taking a day off to see a doctor!?" – people in Japan may think this way. It is very time-consuming and special to see a specialist in Toronto, so we usually need to follow a specialist schedule.)

My appointment time was 3 pm.
I got to the clinic 30 minutes early, but it was 5 minutes passed 3 when the doctor shows up.

I have already started to forget what I was told yesterday, but I had 50 sometimes not-breathing periods per hour during the sleep test that I took earlier. I was diagnosed a severe case. And then, I asked treatment options. The options were the same as what I researched on the Internet – CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure), mouthpiece, and surgery. Ontario healthcare (OHIP) covers approximately 40% of the cost of a CPAP device. I don't want to do the surgery that takes out a healthy part of my body just to get broader airway at all, so I chose CPAP device option. It wasn't an easy purchase. I was really fortunate to be under the coverage of OHIP.

After getting a prescription of the CPAP device, the doctor's secretary took me to the next office to book for next sleep test, next appointment with the specialist, and to buy the device. A respiratory therapist from a vendor was on site, so I got an introduction and bought a device.

I brought the device back home on the same day.
It was around 6pm when I got home. I started to feel tired so I did my laundry and clean my room instead of going out.

So, I got up this morning after using the device while I was in sleep.
I don't have a dull pain in my back that I usually have every morning. It was a rather pleasant wake up.

Only a problem though (a big one).... I need to continue using this device no matter where I go.


Andre said...

very "Akira"

まめ said...
