03 July 2012

You Are Still Standing There | 君はまだそこにいる

I didn't know that you were still standing there.

Was it winter 1999 when I was a student at Centennial? I brought my Casio's digital camera to take pictures for my art assignments. It was freezing cold but I walked with my Mini Disk player on, from my basement apartment in the Annex all the way down to Spadina Quay. I was young so I could walk forever.

I took some pictures of you. I don't remember if I used those pictures for my assignments.
640x480 pixels – this was my Casio's high quality digital picture size.
My computer was hooked up with 28.8k dial-up ISP.

A chunk of reinforced glass and metal is now our communication tool and the same streetcars are still running.

What are you going to be for the next decade?


それは僕がセンテニアルに通っていた1999年の冬だったっけ? 僕はアートのクラスの課題のために写真を撮ろうとカシオのデジタルカメラを持って出かけた。無茶苦茶寒い日だったけど、アネックスの僕のベースメントアパートからスパダイナ・キーまでMDを聴きながら歩いた。若かった。いつまでも歩けたから。




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