11 June 2011

おはよう、土曜日 | Good Morning, Saturday

From Mobile

God morgon, lördag.





God morgon, lördag.
(A tribute to my favourite friend J, who works in the land across the Atlantic Ocean.)

I came home relatively early last night, but it was around 3 am when I fell asleep.
I wanted to sleep more, but I got up at a little passed 7 am. (Is it because of the age? Am I that old?)

I started to unpack and organise my books.
I found some books that I don't think I need anymore. As my friend M said, I will donate Toronto library whatever I can. There is a library a couple of blocks away. I am wondering if they accept any donations.

While I was unpacking, I found a Japanese magazine, "Studio Voice," that I used to like to read and brought it with me when I moved to Canada. If my memory is right, I think the magazine was no longer published. Well, I can't throw this away then (lol).

I threw some garbage away and started to do my laundry.
It will be a long Saturday, well, in a good meaning.

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